The Organization

The Easton Amateur Radio Society (EARS) was founded in January of 1965 so Maryland's Eastern Shore Amateur Radio operators from Talbot, Dorchester, Caroline, and Queen Anne counties would have a structure within which they could share their hobby interests and experiences. Today, EARS continues to provide a structure for Amateur Radio operators to share knowledge and understanding of radio principles and operations, to train future operators, to foster good will through community service and emergency communications; and, to develop a fellowship for people with similar interests. The EARS 2M FM net meets each Tuesday night at 8 pm (local) on the Club 147.045+ MHz repeater (PL tone 156.7) except the 3rd Tuesday of each month which is our meeting night.
The Membership

As in most Amateur Radio clubs our members are Novice Class to Extra Class licensees, from youth to mature adults. Our members' interests run the full spectrum of activity involving DX, RACES, Satellite, EME, HF, VHF, UHF, Digital Modes, Microwave, and Marine Mobile. EARS is an active, open, and growing club. Guests from beyond the mid-shore area, including those from the western shore of Maryland and Delaware, are welcome to attend club meetings, social functions, community-oriented events, and become full members.