On Saturday, Oct. 2nd EARS conducted an informal “Ham Radio Day” event, beginning with a breakfast at the local Denny’s Restaurant at 8:00 a.m. By 9:15 the club trailer was on set up on the parking lot in front of the Amish Market on Marlboro Ave. and a crew was setting up a portable 20/40 meter dipole and a two meter Moxon on a ten foot mast, giving us some VHF capability. Norm, K3HMA graciously let us use his Icom IC-7300 through the day, making some nice contacts on HF and FT8. Bill, W3WTD watched over his display of numerous working QRP homebrew gear and showed us how we can build equipment from kits that actually work. Kenny, KA3DCO made a few contacts with his portable-remote HF setup. The weather was just perfect, we hosted a number of visitors and enjoyed a day of relaxed “playing radio”. By 2:00 p.m. everyone was tired and we decided to call it “quits”. This was a most pleasant event and it is hoped we will do it again.